Cortisol Secretion & Adrenal Gland

Cortisol Secretion and the Adrenal Gland The adrenals (which secrete coritsol) are known as the stress glands, but they are responsible for dozens of functions in the body. Two important things to remember when it comes to weight management are that the adrenal glands...

Reformation 2017

How interesting it is that Martin Luther nailed his thesis to the door of the Castle Church in Germany on October 31, 1517, 500 years ago.   The number five is redemption, grace and favor, while hundred means complete, whole, blessings, & the glory of God. I...

Declaration to the Mountains

I declare that every mountain of division, debt, disunity, strife, divorce, separation, death, miscommunication, lack, confusion, conflict, bondages, blockages, weight problems, marriage problems, money problems, relationship problems, ministry problems, business...

Father’s Revelation on Spiritual/Natural

I asked the Father for the revelation of how things work, both spiritually & naturally?  This is His reply:  I’m so glad you asked Angie!  I created you to work in unison with the spiritual realm.  That every purpose you were created for would EFFECT the...