by Angie Stevens | Oct 4, 2017 | Declarations
I declare the strong winds of adversity attempting to blow me down is moving me into NEW BLESSINGS and TERRITORY!! God is bringing me through the tests to create my TESTIMONY. I am to face the wind of change and not allow it to push me back for the wind of change is...
by Angie Stevens | Oct 4, 2017 | News & Updates, Oregano Gold
This is a Testimony from my Upline: Casey!! Do you remember a few months back one of my wholesale accounts had called me to reorder coffee, and when I asked her how she was doing, she told me how her husband had just been diagnosed with cancer and basically...
by Angie Stevens | Jun 26, 2017 | Gia Wellness
by Angie Stevens | Jun 20, 2017 | Agreements, News & Updates
What we believe we become!! God will rewrite our story as we break wrong agreements and come into new alignments with him. I am now speaking and teaching on the Power of AGREEEMENT! If you would like me to come to your town or church to do this powerful Teaching...
by Administrator | Sep 21, 2016 | News & Updates
Welcome to Synergetic Health! Natural health solutions, Wellness and Beauty. We invite you to check out the various pages, products and services. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.
by Administrator | Sep 7, 2015 | Bellagia - Beauty
Inspired Wellness includes caring for your skin. The remarkable BellaGIA line of “Inspired Beauty” products provides instantly visible benefits – through the optimal delivery of skin nourishing, age-defying ingredients. Experience what hydrating...
by Administrator | Sep 7, 2015 | Nutragia - Nutrition
The NutraGIA line of “Inspired Nutrition” products has been designed to supply your body with the essential nutrients that most diets lack. When taking NutraGIA products in conjunction with GIA’s patented i-H2O, you are assured to receive support in...
by Administrator | Sep 7, 2015 | Gia Wellness
For more information on the research behind GIA Wellness products, please visit the link below.